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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2018

Receptive Skill and Productive Skill

Receptive Skill is READING and LISTENING Receptive skill means that the information is gotten by the reader or listener. For example, Andi reads an Islamic book. It means the Islamic information is being gotten by Andi. Other example, Siti is watching an Islamic program channel. It means the Islamic program channel information is being watched by Siti.  The conclusion Receptive skill is something you receive. Productive Skill is SPEAKING and WRITING Productive skill is that someone produce something such as speaking and writing. For example, Andi speaks to his classmate every morning. It means that Andi produces the speaking. His speaking could be hear by other people.  Other example, Siti is writing an opinion in his bedroom. It means that Siti produces the writing. Her writing could be read by other people. The conclusion Productive skill is something you produce. Thank you

Teaching English Methodology

This time, I want to share about teaching English methodology. I believe that there are many methods in the internet. It's only to add the internet data. The name of the method is Elicit. The elicit methods means the teacher elicit the students information. For example.  The students are playing football in the field. Then, ask the students about the students activities such as: Where the students play? What do students play? What students play football? How many person play football? and so on. The important thing, the question is about the text or object. The object of elicit is the familiar things for the students and it's not harmful for students area, such as talking Fork in Indonesia or marital status in Europe. Now, let's try to elicit the example below: The are two students sitting in the bench. Give as many as possible questions about the situation. I give you the tips to make the questions easier. The tips are 5W and 1H

SOAL PKn Kelas 6 SD dengan Jawabannya

UJIAN FINAL TEST PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN PRIMARY VI Name                :                                                                        Day/Date          : Class                : Primary VI                                                     Time                 : 60 minutes Subject            : PKn A. Pilihan Berganda: Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban yang benar! 1.       Berapakah jumlah anggota ASEAN pada tahun 1976?             a. 3 negara                                            c. 5 negara             b. 4 negara                                            d. 6 negara 2.       Isi kedua Deklarasi Bangkok adalah ..... a.        Mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemajuan sosial, dan perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Asia Tenggara b.       Meningkatkan perdamaian dan stabilitas regional c.        Memelihara kerja sama yang erat di tengah-tengah organisasi regional dan international yang ada d.