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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Present Continuous and to be going to

What is present continuous? What is to be going to? Present Continuous tense is: Positive:  S + to be + Verb 1 + Ing  Example: I am studying English language We are cleaning the car She is writing a letter Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris Kita sedang membersihkan mobil Dia (pr) sedang menulis surat Negative: S + to be + no + Verb 1 + Ing Example: I am not studying English language We are not cleaning the car She is not writing a letter Saya tidak sedang belajar bahasa Inggris Kita tidak sedang membersihkan mobil Dia (pr) tidak sedang menulis surat Interrogative:  to be + S + verb 1 + Ing Example: Am I studying English? Are we cleaning the car? Is she writing a letter? Apakah saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris? Apakah kita sedang membersihkan mobil? Apakah dia (pr) sedang menulis surat? The present continuous expresses the activity happening at the moment or the activity is happening at that time. Present continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan ke

Two Times Versus Twice

Mana yang lebih tepat antara Two times  atau twice ? Jawabannya adalah twice karena twice lebih tepat digunakan dari pada two times berdasarkan pengartian berikut ini: It's good writing advice, but violating it isn't "wrong" it's just less elegant.  Twice  is more used than  two times  as shown in Ngram, but they can be both used according to the context. Replacing " two times " with " twice " is natural and recommended; replacing "three  times " with "thrice" is weird and archaic. cited from:  Arti dari twice adalah dua kali dan two times   juga memiliki arti dua kali. Thank you

Question Words

Apa sajakah Question Words  itu? Question Words   itu adalah: What (apa) When (kapan) Where (dimana) Who (siapa) Why (kenapa) dan How (bagaimana) Contoh kalimatnya: What is you favourite food? Apa makanan kesukaan mu? When do you come to school? Kapan kamu datang ke sekolah? Where do you live? Dimana kamu tinggal? Who is your name? Siapa nama mu? Why do you love her? Kenapa kamu mencintainya (pr)? How do I love you? Bagaimana aku mencintai mu? Exercise: complete the sentence with question words 1.  ........ is you hobby? 2.  ........ did you call the police? 3.  ........ is your room? 4.  ........ was your boyfriend? 5.  ........ does she choose him? 6.  ........ do you get there? The answers 1. what 2. when 3. where 4. who 5. why 6. how

Simple Past (Question form)

Past Simple adalah kalimat-kalimat masa lampau. Bagaimana kalimat Simple Past dalam bentuk pertanyaan? Rumusnya adalah Did + Subject + verb 1 + object/complement Example: Did I go to school yesterday?, Did you love her?, Did they came to class last semester?  Did we go to Lake Toba? etc. Cara mudah memahami kalimat pertanyaan Simple Past   adalah dengan membuat kalimat present yang menggunakan verb. Contohnya: I go to market   menjadi Did I go to market?                    You like swimming menjadi Did you like swimming?                    We love the chef menjadi Did We love the chef? Bisa di pahami? Untuk lebih meningkatkan pemahaman, kerjakanlah latihan berikut ini; mengubah kalimat aktif dan pasif kedalam bentuk kalimat tanya. 1. I watched TV last night 2. I didn't like this food 3. We didn't eat the noodle last week 4. They played baseball 5. She didn't love him 6. He hated her last year 7. You ate my friend rice 8.Santi drunk my milk last morni

The use In, On and At

Penggunaan In  adalah untuk menyatakan Tahun, month, and place Contohnya: i n 1989, in 2018, in 2004, in Jakarta, in Medan, in home, in hotel, in Bandung, in May, in July, in January, in November Penggunaan On adalah untuk menyatakan Bulan dan Hari   Contohnya: o n April 5th, on January 1st, on December 30th, on August 25th, on Sunday, on Friday, on Monday, on Saturyday Penggunaan At  adalah untuk menyatakan waktu/jam Contohnya: at 7 o'clock, at 9 o'clock, at 10 o'clock Exercise: complete the sentences about national holidays with in  or on 1.South Africa's Freedom Day is ........... April 27 2. Morocco has its national holiday ............. March 3. India became independent from England ........... 1947 4. Colombia's national holiday is ........... July 20 5. Finland became an independent country .......... December 6,1917 6. Brazil's national holiday is ........ September 7. Indonesia independent day is .......... August Reference Engl