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Simple Past (Question form)

Past Simple adalah kalimat-kalimat masa lampau. Bagaimana kalimat Simple Past dalam bentuk pertanyaan?

Rumusnya adalah

Did + Subject + verb 1 + object/complement

Example: Did I go to school yesterday?, Did you love her?, Did they came to class last semester? 
Did we go to Lake Toba? etc.

Cara mudah memahami kalimat pertanyaan Simple Past  adalah dengan membuat kalimat present yang menggunakan verb.
Contohnya: I go to market  menjadi Did I go to market?
                   You like swimming menjadi Did you like swimming?
                   We love the chef menjadi Did We love the chef?
Bisa di pahami?
Untuk lebih meningkatkan pemahaman, kerjakanlah latihan berikut ini; mengubah kalimat aktif dan pasif kedalam bentuk kalimat tanya.

1. I watched TV last night
2. I didn't like this food
3. We didn't eat the noodle last week
4. They played baseball
5. She didn't love him
6. He hated her last year
7. You ate my friend rice
8.Santi drunk my milk last morning
9. Iwan had a new mobile phone
10. Mango didn't have a taste

If you have a question, you may write on the comment column. Thank you


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Exercise: Other

Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata other. 1. This pen isn't working. Please give me             (singular) 2. If you're still thirsty, I'll make             pot of coffee. 3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me               ( the last one) 4. He does not need those books. He needs               (all the remaining) 5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and             are from             countries 6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat.               was looking at magazines.             was eating a candy bar.             were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verbs) 7. This glass of milk is sour.             glass of milk is sour too. 8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice.             was warching;             was at attention;             was practicing combat tactics. 9. There are seven students from Japan.             are from Iran, and     

Bad Deeds versus Good Deeds

I bought my lunch and dinner in my favourite restaurant. I bought fish, fried eggs, fried chicken and others menu. I liked buying food here. I did it for three months. One day, the restaurant had a new worker. The worker has been a women. She was little white, black eyes and she had toothless (one tooth) in front. When she smiled to costumers, her toothless has seen.  The new worker has bad deeds. She often to play with the customers. Playing means going to give the food but the costumers do not receive the foods.  One day, I saw the her playing a man costumer. She wanted to give the food but she didn't give it real. The man responded her playing by smile and smile to her. Actually the other workers had said to her that she should not do playing to the costumers. In fact, she didn't care about it. Finally the man, just stand and stand to wait her for giving the food.  I myself think that the new worker is not a good worker because she had bad deeds. The bad deeds i