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Game/Permainan "Tampar Meja" untuk Grammar

1. Pertama bagi siswa menjadi 2 kelompok. Contohnya group A dan B 2. Berikan Keterangan singkat tentang grammar, misalnya materinya Review Present Tense (Kalimat nominal dan verbal) dan contoh2nya hingga kalimat (+), (-) dan (?) 3. Terus, siswa di bariskan per group (barisannya panjang ke belakang) 4. Guru menjelaskan permainannya. Namanya "Tampar Meja". Siapkan meja atau kursi. Kursinya di depan kedua group A dan B. Lalu, minta 1 orang siswa setiap group untuk maju sebagai peserta yang akan bertanding. Siapa yg bisa menjawab soal dari guru, siswa "Tampar Meja" (adu cepat) sebagai tanda dia siswa tersebut bisa jawab. Lalu guru berikan kesempatan untuk menjawab kepada siswa tersebut. 5. Kalau jawabnnya salah maka scorenya kurang 10 dan jika benar nilainya 15 6. Peserta selanjutnya bebas siapa aja atau berurutan sesuai barisannya 7. Nilai terbanyak yang jadi pemenangnya dan yang kalah yang nilainya sedikit 8. Guru boleh mempersiapkan soal2nya atau soal dadakan dari gu
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Exercise: Other

Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata other. 1. This pen isn't working. Please give me             (singular) 2. If you're still thirsty, I'll make             pot of coffee. 3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me               ( the last one) 4. He does not need those books. He needs               (all the remaining) 5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and             are from             countries 6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat.               was looking at magazines.             was eating a candy bar.             were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verbs) 7. This glass of milk is sour.             glass of milk is sour too. 8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice.             was warching;             was at attention;             was practicing combat tactics. 9. There are seven students from Japan.             are from Iran, and     


  OTHER   With Count Nouns With Non-Count Nouns An + other + singular noun ( one more) another pencil = one more pencil the other +   singular noun (last of the set) the other pencil = the last pencil present other + plural noun (more of the set) other pencils = some more pencils the other + plural noun (the rest of the set) the other pencils = all remaining pencils         other + non-count nouns (more of the set) other water = some more water the other + non-count noun (all the rest) the other water = the remaining water   1.       I don’t want his book. Please give me another . ( another = any other book – not specific) 2.       I don’t want this book. Please give me the other. ( the other = the other book – specific) 3.       This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous too. ( others = other chemicals – not specific) 4.       I don’t want

Soal Bahasa Inggris (a, an, the) lengkap dengan jawabannya

Exercise/Latihan: Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata a, an atau the jika di butuhkan. Namun apabila tidak dibutuhkan dikosongkan saja. 1.       John and Marcy went to school                          yesterday and then studied in              library before returning home. 2.                         Lake Erie is one of                   five Great Lakes in                  North America 3.       On our trip to                   Spain, we crossed                    Atlantic Ocean 4.                         Mount Rushmore is the site of               magnificent tribute to             four great American presidents. 5.       What did you eat for                   breakfast this morning? 6.       Louie played                    basketball and              baseball at                    Boys’ Club this year 7.       Rita plays             violin and her sister plays                     guitar 8.       While we were in             Alaska, we saw            Eskim

Latihan Listening Lagu Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang telah disediakan. Ingat, ada satu kata tambahan.   Love                 Lead                 Secrets              Kids                You                 Between          Barefoot           Grass               Woman            Anyone            Honey       Perfect Ed Sheeran I found a (1)             for me Darling, just dive right in And follow my (2)                         Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me 'Cause we were just (3)                when we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give (4)                    up this time Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you're holding mine Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you (5)                  my arms (6)                   on the (7)                     , we're listenin' to our favorite song When you said you looked a mess, I whi

Latihan a, an, dan the

Exercise/Latihan: Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata a, an atau the jika di butuhkan. Namun apabila tidak dibutuhkan dikosongkan saja. 1. Jason’s father bought him                  bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 2.           Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from           France to          United States 3. Rita is studying            English and                 math this semester. 4.           judge asked                   the witness to tell         truth. 5. Please give me            cup of               coffee with                   cream and         sugar. 6.           big books on                  table are for my history class. 7. No one in                  Spanish class knew                   correct answer to            Mrs. Perez’s question. 8. My                 car is four years old and it still runs well. 9. When you go to        store, please buy            bottle of           chocolate milk and       dozen oranges.

Soal Latihan Countable dan Uncountable Noun

COUNT AND NON-COUNT NOUNS   WITH COUNT NOUNS WITH NON-COUNT NOUNS A (n), the, some, any, this, that, these, those, none, one, two, three, ..... many a lot of a large/a great = number of (a) few fewer ..... than more ..... than the, some, any this, that none much (usually in negative or questions) a lot of a large amount of (a) little less ..... than more ..... than     Exercise/Latihan: Pilihlah kata yang tepat pada kalimat di bawah ini: 1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money 2. I would like ( a few/a little) salt on my vegetables 3. She bought (that/those) cards last night. 4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room than in the next room 5. There is (too much/too many) bed news on television tonight 6. I do not want (these/this) water. 7. This is (too many/too much) information to learn 8. A (few/little) people left early 9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee t