Feeling can be change, sometimes feeling happy, feeling sad and others feeling.
When you purpose marriage to someone, it has a feeling too. The sense of this feeling just can be feel by who have gotten married. I haven't married yet. I just purpose marriage to someone and I think the sense of feeling purpose marriage to someone I have feel it. Do you want to know the feeling? This is the theme of my sharing this moment. I do purpose marriage to a single girl.
When I meet girls in university, market, school and other locations. I don't have a sense of marriage to them. I just communicate as natural conversations and I walk beside them naturally too. But, when I have purpose marriage to single girl, I can't walk naturally beside her and also I can't communicate naturally her. I think my walking is watched by her when I walk beside her. Then the communication too. It senses that there is a spy to my daily activity. The spy is not a bad habit but it brings me to do a good habit.
Afterwards, the feeling of happy and worried present to my mind. The happiness, I am happy to do the purpose marriage to her. I will more happy if she accept my purpose. The other hand, I feel worried, she doesn't accept my purpose. I will get sad about it in several days.
After than, when I chat with her in social media, I type the best words and sentences to her. I check the sentences and words before I sent the text to her. Whereas, when I send a text to my friends sometimes getting mistakes in the text such as incomplete letter or over words.
Whatever her answer to my purpose marriage to her. I believe her answer is the best answer and it comes from Allah answering. But I hope she accepts me as her husband in all day. Amin
That's my feeling when I purpose a single girl. How about you? Do you have the same feeling with me or you have an interesting story when you do purpose to your husband or your wife.
Thanks you
Pekanbaru, March 24, 2018
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