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Games For Writing Skill : Pass the Paper

Learn foreign language is not easy. We need several approach to make it easy and interesting. Here, I want to share a games for writing skill, the name is Pass the Paper.

You need to prepare a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

- Ask your students to sit circle. I suggest the students sitting on the floor.
- Teacher says the theme of writing, for example, my daily activities, my activities in weekend etc.
- Ask students to write one sentence about their activities and don't forget to write their name on the       paper
- Pass students' paper to their right
- Student continue to write the writing. After student has continued the sentence make brackets and write student's name for example " I live in hostel (Angga)
- Students do the same activities until his/her paper back to her/him.

After that, student checks the writing and is it true to your activities. Besides, the students can check the grammatical errors, vocabulary etc.

This games is very interesting and challenging because the students should think about their friends activities and also how to write it.

That's all for my sharing this moment. Thank you so much

Oh ya, this game I got from lecturer's mentoring at IAIN Padangsidimpuan.  


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