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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2016

Method of Reading Book

Have you ever get bored to read the book? or getting sleepy when you are reading book? Now, I want to share my method how to read the book. This method is easy to understand and easy to apply. Actually, this method is still on process. I have implemented this method for one month. I think this method is not bad so that's why I want to share here for you. The background of this method, I have many books. You will know the history of my book if you read by posting. Then, I read the book as long as I can read. However, when I read the book, I feel sleepy or feel lazy. Finally, I can not read the book even one book in one month. So sad. Then, I have an idea about reading book. The method is one day one paper (ODOP). This method come to my thinking when I read the Holy Quran one page for one day. Then, I implement the same method in reading book. I read the book one page for one day. Reading one page is so easy, every people can do it. My target to read the book is only on

Teaching Children to Memorise the Holy Quran

Have you ever see a child memorised the holy Quran? If your answer is no. You can see the children memorised the holy Quran. Many parents want their children become Hafiz and Hafizah of holy Quran. The reason is the holy Quran is the holy book of Islam. However, many parents do not know how to teach their children or the parents just ask their children to study in bording school (pesantren). In boarding school, the students study the holy and memorise the holy Quran. Today, I attend the talk show about teaching holy Quran to children. The speaker are the parents who had success to teach their children to memorise the Quran. Besides, the commitee invite Ulama as the famous teacher about memorising Quran. The most interesting is sharing time. The  parents share their experience about teaching children to memorise the Quran. The first speaker is the parents of Ilya (sorry if the name is mistake). The parents said the steps of how to teach the children and the steps are as below:

There are Four Men Miring by Women to Hell

First is Father A father should ask his daughter to obey the religion rules. If the father lets his daughter brake the religion rules, the father will not enter to heaven because the daughter will say that her father never remind her or giving punishment to her to obey the religion law. Besides, the wife  also will miring the father to hell if the father does not pay attention to his wife life style, but if the father did reminding and punishment, the father could has reason in the judgement day. Second is Husband A husband responsibility in family is to give a live for family. However, the husband is not only giving money to his family, but also gives religion knowledge such as fashion, life style etc. If the father does not care with the fashion of his wife, the husband will get question in judgement day about it. So, be careful to wife's fashion and life style. Guide your family into the right way, if your family gets problem, you can ask help to anybody who can solve

Poda Na Lima (Five Advices)

1. Paias Rohamu (cleaning your heart) 2. Paias Pamatangmu (cleaning your body) 3. Paias Pakeanmu (cleaning your clothes) 4. Paias Bagasmu (cleaning your home) 5. Paias Pekaranganmu (cleaning your environment) These advices are belong to Mandailing ethnic and Mandailing is in Indonesia. Mostly, Mandailingness are memorized those advices because it should memorized in Kindergarten school (SD). The teacher wrote those advices on the wall of the school. So, the students could read every time. This advices were not only for students but also for the teacher and head master. Today, I should implement those advices in my live. I should do positive thinking to everyone, take a bath on time, cleaning my laundry before getting bed smell, cleaning my room, cupborad, table and cleaning my environment such as yard, garage and so on. It is enough for this time, we can continuous next writing. Notes Take the goodness, and left the badness Thanks 

Cleaning Books

Asslam, wish you well A couple weeks ago, I and my friend went to Kompas bookstore. The Kompas publisher was price clearance. The price of one book was only ten thousand and bought two books get one free. We went by motorcycle. We spent thirty minutes to arrive at bookstore. Initially, we used our feeling to know the route, but we got lost and we could not find the bookstore. Finally, we used google maps. Actually, the location of bookstore was near but we did not know it. In google map saw that only several minutes went to the location.  The time was in the morning, we arrived  at bookstore but we were not the first costumer. Many people had come before us. Then, we entered to the bookstore and found the books. I had notes about the titles of books and I just searched based on the notes. Some books were founded, but several books could not find because the books were consumables. So, I tried to find another titles of book. My friend was so happy to see the price clearance beca

Accompanying Ahmad to Al Akidah University

Ahmad asked me to accompany him to go to Al Akidah university yesterdar, I said that I can accompany him. Then, we promised that we would go at 08.00 p.m. After that, he came to my rent house (kosan) before 08.00 p.m. However, I did not prepare myself, I did not take bath yet. So, I had to take bath. Actually, I get ill because i was chilled last night and I got headache. So, I felt lazy to accompany him but I taught that it was a kind of brotherhood. Finally, I accompany him to go to Al Akidah university. The trip was very hot, my head was smoked. Alhamdulillah, we could visit Al Akidah university and Ahmad was not wondering more. Notes Take the kindness and throw the badness Thanks

Move on Dari Keterlambatan

Hari ini merupakan hari yang luar biasa bagi saya karena hari ini saya bisa puasa sunnah. Alhamdulillah. Moga kamu juga bisa melakukan puasa sunnah tersebut karena kalau nunggu imannya bagus baru puasa akan lama bisa puasa. Niatkan dari sekarang aja untuk puasa hari senin nanti dan hari senin dan kamis selanjutnya.  Siang tadi saya dan temanku pergi ke toko sepatu Specs dekat dengan kantor Indosiar yang di Jakarta Barat. Sebelumnya kami melihat gedung tersebut diwaktu yang berbeda. Sehingga tertarik untuk kesana dan terselenggaralah impian tersebut tadi siang. Kendaraan yang kami gunakan adalah kendaraan umum namanya Transjakarta disingkat Tj. Kendaraan Tj ini bisa langsung naik di depan kampus kami (UIN Jakarta) tetapi tadi siang teman saya sudang menunggu saya di halte Pondok Indah Mall 2 sehingga saya sendiri yang naik dari halte kampus. Saya berangkat sekitar jam 12 an dari kosan. Ketika sampai di halte kampus saya menunggu bus Tj sekitar 10 menitan dan saya pun naik bus ters

5 cm (film 5 cm)

Saya memang terlambat menonton film ini karena baru tadi siang saya tonton. Padahal film ini udah ditayangkan beberapa tahun lalu, maklumlah tidak kepoan orangnya. Namun, film ini sudah ada ditelinga saya sejak lama dari teman-teman kampus. Ketika mereka membahas film 5 cm, maka saya yang menjadi pendengar budiman diantara komentar dan sanjungan mereka pada film tersebut. Sebagian teman mengatakan bahwa film ini motivasi buat yang suka telat wisuda, suka nongkrong yang gak jelas tujuannya dan banyak komentar lainnya. Sore tadi, mata ini ngantuk bangat, sehingga timbul ide untuk nonton film supaya ngantuknya hilang. Awalnya ngedit tesis untuk dijadikan jurnal, eh baru sebentar membaca dan mengedit tesisnya mata sudah mengusai pikiran. Enaknya, nonton film apa ya? terus teringatlah film 5 cm ini. Tanpa memperlambat waktu, langsung saya klik google chrome dan search (mencari) nonton film 5 cm online. Banyak pilihan yang muncul, saya hanya pilih salah satu saja. Film 5 cm pun dimulai

Menjadi Manusia Sempurna

Selesai sholat Jumat saya menyalami jamaah disamping kiri dan kanan saya. Kemudian saya berdoa secara jamaah yakni mengikuti doa dari imam sholat Jumat. Setelah itu, sholat ba'diah saya laksanakan hingga selesai. Terus, saya menemui teman saya yang sedang kuliah S3 di UIN Jakarta di dalam mesjid tersebut, jumlah teman saya itu ada 2 orang. Perbincangan pun mengalir tanpa kontrol. Banyak ucapan-ucapan yang kami utarakan termasuk ucapan saya. Diantara perbincangan kami tersebut ada satu hal yang mengesankan saya, yakni permintaan Aristoteles kepada gurunya. AR: Guru, bagaimana caranya menjadi orang yang sempurna? GR: Mudah muridku. Sekarang, kamu pergi ketaman dan petik satu bunga yang terindah menurutmu dengan catatan kamu tidak boleh mundur dan melihat ke belakang. Aristoteles pergi ketaman mencari bunga yang tercantik menurutnya. Sesampainya di taman, ia melihat hamparan bunga, lalu dia pun mendekati taman tersebut. Ketika di pinggir taman, dia telah melihat bunga

Adab dan Ilmu

Ada pepatah Arab mengatakan " Adab itu diatas ilmu" ( aladabu pauqhal ilmi ) Kemudian "Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian hingga ke liang lahat" ( utlubul ilma minal mahdi ila allahdi ) Pepatah yang pertama mengajarkan tentang pentingnya adab terus yang kedua mengajarkan tentang penting ilmu. Kedua-duanya menjadi penting. Ilmu itu adabnya dan adab juga memiliki ilmu. Bagaimana adab menuntut ilmu? diantaranya harus menghargai buku karena didalam buku ada ilmu. Jangan menjadikan buku sebagai bantal atau payung ketika hujan. Terus, bagaimana ilmu beradab? seseorang yang sedang berjalan kaki menegur orang yang sedang duduk-duduk dengan lemah lembut. Jika menegur dengan suara kencang atau keras, ilmu beradabnya tidak ada, alasannya karena menegur orang dekat dengan kencang. Namun pejalan kaki tersebut telah beradab kepada orang yang sedang duduk, namun adab yang tak berilmu.  Kemudian, ilmu itu sangat penting untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman serta untuk mengetahui ha