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Be Creative Student

Many students studi in the university level for recently especially in my country. The total of students are around four billion and women are more then men. The women are 2, 6 billion and men are 2,2 billion students. However, I will not discuss it for longer explanation. My focus in this writing is about the students creative in their free time. I agree that all students must study which based on their schedule and extra schedule and I am also agree that all students have free time and holiday. Thus, what the students do in their free time and holiday? Do they just sleep, hangout, or go for shopping.

Here, I want to share you for not wasting your free time and holiday. The first you have to se your location, condition and where do you live. Second, Understand your location, the culture in your neighbour, and the weather. Third, try to do something that have meaning such as cooking, making ice cream, cooking porridge, or selling clothes, sport wear and others. Fourth, make planning and target. The last, do it, do not waste your time to think in longer time. 

Here is my activity in my free time. Oh ya, I am student in Islamic university. Usually, I eat in the restaurant (warung nasi) as long I have many activities such as when I have many papers to do. Recently, hardly, I eat in the restaurant because I cook the rice by myself. Not only the rice but also the others such as eggs, noodle, and act, I just bu the vegetable which sell in the stall. Sometimes, I want to make a kind of experiment when I want to cook the rice. The first time is about cooking the rice of Nasi Goreng (fried rice), which the rice is not sticky with others. The result is I can do it even though as perfect in the picture. The other time, I want to make the egg such as in the Indomie noodle (from Indonesia), which the egg is not cooked all eggs and when the customer open the egg, the yellow egg will melt. The result, I am not success to make it, my egg totally hard and little swarthy. 

That's my creative in my free time. Then, in holiday, I go back to my village for visiting my parents and big family such as uncle ant, grand father, grand mother and others. 

How is yours? Do you have a creative activity in your free time? or what do you do in that time?

Take the goodness and left the badness
The Goodness is belong to Allah and the Badness in mine

Thank you


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Exercise: Other

Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata other. 1. This pen isn't working. Please give me             (singular) 2. If you're still thirsty, I'll make             pot of coffee. 3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me               ( the last one) 4. He does not need those books. He needs               (all the remaining) 5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and             are from             countries 6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat.               was looking at magazines.             was eating a candy bar.             were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verbs) 7. This glass of milk is sour.             glass of milk is sour too. 8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice.             was warching;             was at attention;             was practicing combat tactics. 9. There are seven students from Japan.             are from Iran, and     

Bad Deeds versus Good Deeds

I bought my lunch and dinner in my favourite restaurant. I bought fish, fried eggs, fried chicken and others menu. I liked buying food here. I did it for three months. One day, the restaurant had a new worker. The worker has been a women. She was little white, black eyes and she had toothless (one tooth) in front. When she smiled to costumers, her toothless has seen.  The new worker has bad deeds. She often to play with the customers. Playing means going to give the food but the costumers do not receive the foods.  One day, I saw the her playing a man costumer. She wanted to give the food but she didn't give it real. The man responded her playing by smile and smile to her. Actually the other workers had said to her that she should not do playing to the costumers. In fact, she didn't care about it. Finally the man, just stand and stand to wait her for giving the food.  I myself think that the new worker is not a good worker because she had bad deeds. The bad deeds i