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At atau On an article special day?

Everybody has a special day. How do you use an article an/a for it? Oke. There is a Mother's Day and Christmas. Both are special days. But the differences between Mother's Day and Christmas  is a word "day". We use "on" for the special day uses a word day such as Mother's Day , Teacher's Day,  Valentine Day  etc. We us "at" for the special day without a word "day" such as Christmas, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, Isa Almasih etc. Extra English Talking about time, of course there is minute, hour, o'clock. How do you say this time: 11:13 and 15:20 Oke. First   Thirteen minutes past eleven Second Twenty past three/fifteen  Do you see the differences between the two sentences? You are right, first sentence uses a word minutes and the Second does not use a word minute Remember: the use minutes are 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 the minutes 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,45 does not use a word minute. Thanks

Some & Any: The uses (penggunaan Some dan Any)

Penggunaan Some dan Any   adalah untuk plural/banyak Some uses for positive sentence (+) Any uses for negative and question sentences (-) (?) Example:  I have some books Students have some pencils She has some friends I don't have any books Students don't have any pencils She doesn't have any friends Do you have any books? Do the students have any pencils? Does she have any friends? Exercise: Use some or any to complete these senteces 1. The are . . . . . lamps here 2. Do you have . . . . . curtains? 3. There aren't  . . . . . boys here 4. She doesn't have . . . . . chairs in her room 5. There are . . . . . papers on the bed 6. Does she have . . . . . CDs? 7. There aren't . . . . . plants in his house 8. You don't have . . . . .  windows in the room 9. Do you have . . . . . beds in you bedroom? 10. Do you have . . . . . cars? Thanks you

Penggunaan "Have dan Has" dalam kalimat Positif, Negative dan Introgative

The pronoun of "have" is I, You, We, They The pronoun of "has" is He, She, It Example  I have a pen She has an apple Negative sentences become: I don't have a pen She doesn't have an apple Interrogative sentences become: Do I have a pen? Does she have an apple? Exercise: Translate these sentences into English - Kami memiliki dua ekor kucing - Kami tidak memiliki hewan peliharaan - Apakah kamu memiliki pekerjaan rumah malam ini - Apakah kamu kakak Andini? - Andini tidak memiliki saudara laki-laki - Anton tidak memiliki nomor handphone Extra understanding Word "any" uses for plural form. Example: I don't have any books She doesn't have any friends Does he have any histories? Thanks 

Present Continuous and to be going to

What is present continuous? What is to be going to? Present Continuous tense is: Positive:  S + to be + Verb 1 + Ing  Example: I am studying English language We are cleaning the car She is writing a letter Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris Kita sedang membersihkan mobil Dia (pr) sedang menulis surat Negative: S + to be + no + Verb 1 + Ing Example: I am not studying English language We are not cleaning the car She is not writing a letter Saya tidak sedang belajar bahasa Inggris Kita tidak sedang membersihkan mobil Dia (pr) tidak sedang menulis surat Interrogative:  to be + S + verb 1 + Ing Example: Am I studying English? Are we cleaning the car? Is she writing a letter? Apakah saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris? Apakah kita sedang membersihkan mobil? Apakah dia (pr) sedang menulis surat? The present continuous expresses the activity happening at the moment or the activity is happening at that time. Present continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan ke

Two Times Versus Twice

Mana yang lebih tepat antara Two times  atau twice ? Jawabannya adalah twice karena twice lebih tepat digunakan dari pada two times berdasarkan pengartian berikut ini: It's good writing advice, but violating it isn't "wrong" it's just less elegant.  Twice  is more used than  two times  as shown in Ngram, but they can be both used according to the context. Replacing " two times " with " twice " is natural and recommended; replacing "three  times " with "thrice" is weird and archaic. cited from:  Arti dari twice adalah dua kali dan two times   juga memiliki arti dua kali. Thank you

Question Words

Apa sajakah Question Words  itu? Question Words   itu adalah: What (apa) When (kapan) Where (dimana) Who (siapa) Why (kenapa) dan How (bagaimana) Contoh kalimatnya: What is you favourite food? Apa makanan kesukaan mu? When do you come to school? Kapan kamu datang ke sekolah? Where do you live? Dimana kamu tinggal? Who is your name? Siapa nama mu? Why do you love her? Kenapa kamu mencintainya (pr)? How do I love you? Bagaimana aku mencintai mu? Exercise: complete the sentence with question words 1.  ........ is you hobby? 2.  ........ did you call the police? 3.  ........ is your room? 4.  ........ was your boyfriend? 5.  ........ does she choose him? 6.  ........ do you get there? The answers 1. what 2. when 3. where 4. who 5. why 6. how

Simple Past (Question form)

Past Simple adalah kalimat-kalimat masa lampau. Bagaimana kalimat Simple Past dalam bentuk pertanyaan? Rumusnya adalah Did + Subject + verb 1 + object/complement Example: Did I go to school yesterday?, Did you love her?, Did they came to class last semester?  Did we go to Lake Toba? etc. Cara mudah memahami kalimat pertanyaan Simple Past   adalah dengan membuat kalimat present yang menggunakan verb. Contohnya: I go to market   menjadi Did I go to market?                    You like swimming menjadi Did you like swimming?                    We love the chef menjadi Did We love the chef? Bisa di pahami? Untuk lebih meningkatkan pemahaman, kerjakanlah latihan berikut ini; mengubah kalimat aktif dan pasif kedalam bentuk kalimat tanya. 1. I watched TV last night 2. I didn't like this food 3. We didn't eat the noodle last week 4. They played baseball 5. She didn't love him 6. He hated her last year 7. You ate my friend rice 8.Santi drunk my milk last morni

The use In, On and At

Penggunaan In  adalah untuk menyatakan Tahun, month, and place Contohnya: i n 1989, in 2018, in 2004, in Jakarta, in Medan, in home, in hotel, in Bandung, in May, in July, in January, in November Penggunaan On adalah untuk menyatakan Bulan dan Hari   Contohnya: o n April 5th, on January 1st, on December 30th, on August 25th, on Sunday, on Friday, on Monday, on Saturyday Penggunaan At  adalah untuk menyatakan waktu/jam Contohnya: at 7 o'clock, at 9 o'clock, at 10 o'clock Exercise: complete the sentences about national holidays with in  or on 1.South Africa's Freedom Day is ........... April 27 2. Morocco has its national holiday ............. March 3. India became independent from England ........... 1947 4. Colombia's national holiday is ........... July 20 5. Finland became an independent country .......... December 6,1917 6. Brazil's national holiday is ........ September 7. Indonesia independent day is .......... August Reference Engl


Akreditasi jurusan menjadi syarat penerimaan CPNS. Lalu di sini saya share link akreditasi jurusan-jurusan di UIN SU. Moga lulus cpns nya ya. Amin Langkah-langkahnya 1. Copy atau klick link di bawah ini. 2. Lalu pilih Jurusan dan klick download pada kolom ujung. 3. Selamat mendownload Untuk download akreditasi kampus, klik link di bawah ini. Terima kasih

Games For Writing Skill : Pass the Paper

Learn foreign language is not easy. We need several approach to make it easy and interesting. Here, I want to share a games for writing skill, the name is Pass the Paper. Tools You need to prepare a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Steps: - Ask your students to sit circle. I suggest the students sitting on the floor. - Teacher says the theme of writing, for example, my daily activities, my activities in weekend etc. - Ask students to write one sentence about their activities and don't forget to write their name on the       paper - Pass students' paper to their right - Student continue to write the writing. After student has continued the sentence make brackets and write student's name for example " I live in hostel (Angga) - Students do the same activities until his/her paper back to her/him. After that, student checks the writing and is it true to your activities. Besides, the students can check the grammatical errors, vocabulary etc. This games is

Cerpen Idul Adha

SUARA TAKBIRAN KU Suara Takbir telah terdengar dari Masjid-masjid sejak aku ingin mematikan lampu kamar tidurku. Aku ikut serta menyuarakan   Suara Takbiran itu menandakan bahwa besok adalah hari Raya Idul Adha yang ke 1439 H. Takbir pada malam Idul Adha dan itu Takbir pertamaku dengan menggunakan pengeras suara dan kini mataku sudah mengatuk dan lampu kamarku pun ku matikan. Pagi-pagi buta kakakku memanggil namaku dari luar kamarku “Hasan bangun” sambil mengetuk-ngetuk pintu kamarku. Kaka memanggil namaku beberapa kali hingga aku bangkit dari tempat tidurku. Lalu aku pergi ke kamar mandi serta bergegas ke Masjid untuk melaksanakan Fardhu Subuh. Selesai sholat aku ditegur oleh teman-temanku dan bertanya? “Liburan kemana hari ini Hasan?” aku jawab “ di rumah aja.” Aku tau mereka akan pergi ke tempat wisata di sekitar kota karena mereka sudah asyik merencakannya beberapa hari sebelumnya. Jam dinding rumah kami telah menunjukkan pukul 07.30. Itu menandakan sholat Idul Adha akan


Dalam tulisan ini akan membahas tutur adat Mandailing. Kita sering mendengar seorang anak memanggil dengan tutur Uda, Ujing, Ambou, Uwa dan lainnya. Bagaiman hal itu bisa terjadi? Tulisan ini akan membantu untuk memahami hal tersebut. "UDA" Uda adalah panggilan untuk adik laki-laki kandung ayah kita. Misalnya si Ayah memiliki adik laki-laki maka anak si Ayah ini (laki-laki dan perempuan) memiliki tutur Uda kepada adik si Ayah tersebut. Untuk tutur kepada istri Uda adalah Nanguda Disisi lain, panggilan Uda juga terjadi pada laki-laki yang bukan adik kandung si Ayah dengan catatan si Ayah lebih muda usianya dibanding laki-laki tersebut dan memiliki Marga yang sama. "UWA" Uwa adalah panggilan untuk kakak/abng laki-laki kandung ayah kita. Misalnya si Ayah memiliki abng laki-laki maka si anak (laki-laki dan perempuan) memiliki tutur Uwa kepada abang si Ayah tersebut. Adapun turu kepada istri Uwa , tersebut yaitu sama. Di sisi lain, panggilan Uwa juga terjad

2 Makanan yang Berbahaya untuk Kucing

Makanan yang berbahaya pada kucing 1. Ikan Asin Ikan asing sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga masyarakat luas khususnya masyarakat pesisir. Ikan asin pada awalnya sama seperti ikan biasa yang tidak terasa asin meskipun hidup di lautan. Kucing sangat suka makan ikan apalagi dalam keadaan hidup. Namun, ketika ikan itu diasinkan maka kucing akan muntah dengan sendirinya disebabkan perut kucing tidak cocok dengan hal-hal yang asin.  2. Siminyak Siminyak adalah jenis dedaunan yang hidup di daerah Padang Lawas Utara bagian Padang Bolak dan sekitarnya. Tumbuhan ini merupakan khas daerah tersebut. Siminyak memiliki rasa yang manis layaknya daun ibu tumbuk digulai pake santan. Uniknya, daun ini akan mekar dan bagus ketika di musim kemarau saja. Pada saat musim hujan tumbuhan kerap memiliki tunas muda yang pendek namun pada saat musim kemarau tumbuhan ini memiliki tunas yang panjang dan elok.

Pepatah Kampung "Habis Panakkokan Ro Mai Panurunan"

"Berakit-rakit ke hulu" "Berenang-rengang ke tepian" By. Rhoma Irama "Habis panakkokan ro mai panuruan" bahasa Mandailing Pepatah ini tentang pahit dan manisnya kehidupan. Makna kata Panakkokan adalah tanjakan atau menanjak . Kata Ro Mai  artinya adalah akan datang dan Panurunan adalah turunan atau  penurunan. Setiap ada tanjakan pasti ada turunan laksana ada gunung ada lembah, setelah musim kemarau kemungkinan besar akan masuk musim hujan. Pada saat tanjakan seseorang merasa susah karena pada saat itu harus bekerja keras untuk bertahan hidup. Seperti musim kemarau, air akan susah untuk diperoleh sungai-sungai mulai mengering, sumur banyak yang telah kering dan satu-satu sumber air bersih adalah sungai atau sumur bor yang terdalam. Di sisi lain, kita juga harus bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Di saat seperti ini, kebutuhan air bersih mulai terancam sehingga terjadi kecemasan di setiap diri yang mengalami hal ini. Di saat seperti ini, pa

Keluarga Tarik Tambang

Judul ini artikel ini adalah tentang keluarga yang memiliki keinginan sendiri-sendiri antara suami dan istri.  Permainan Tarik Tambang (TT) sudut A akan menarik sekuat mungkin tali ke arahnya dan sudut B juga melakukan hal yang sama. Sehingga A dan B saling tarik menarik. Hal ini terjadi pada permainan TT. Bagaimana dengan TT pada kelaurga? Sudut A adalah sebagai Suami dan sudut B sebagai Istri. Terjadinaya tarik menarik antara suami dan istri pada saat menetukan tempat tinggal yang di sebabkan tempat kerja mereka yang berbeda. Istri ingin menetap di daerah tempatnya bekerja dan berusaha merayu suaminya untuk tinggal disana. Begitu juga seorang suami, dia merayu istrinya supaya mereka tinggal di daerah tempat dia bekerja. Hal ini membuat tidak ada perbedaannya dengan permainan TT. Pemenangnya adalah yang mampu menjadikan daerah tempat tinggalnya menjadi lokasi tempat tinggal mereka. Dalam permainan TT, pemenangnya adalah orang yang mampu menyeret lawannya ke daerahnya. Ji

Three Part of Ramadhan

First is Rahmah (God's mercy) Second is Magfirah (fogiveness) Third is Ithkum minannar(free from the hell) 10 days the beginning of ramdhan, Allah gives rahmah to human who worship him. The human should do worship as many as possible to Allah. Then, Allah will give his rahmah to you. 10 days of the middle of ramadhan is forgiveness. No body is perfect as human being. You must have mistake to yourself, your friend and even to your God. This moment is the best time to crave Allah's forgiveness. You do it as many as possible and may Allah will delete all your sin. 10 days the last of ramdhan is free from the hell. Do you want free from the hell?  of course yes, I don't want to go to the hell. If you agree with me. This moment is the best. You crave Allah about you will free from the hell in the day after. It means you will go the heaven directly without burning your sin in hell first. That's my writing for this moment thanks  Have a nice day

Receptive Skill and Productive Skill

Receptive Skill is READING and LISTENING Receptive skill means that the information is gotten by the reader or listener. For example, Andi reads an Islamic book. It means the Islamic information is being gotten by Andi. Other example, Siti is watching an Islamic program channel. It means the Islamic program channel information is being watched by Siti.  The conclusion Receptive skill is something you receive. Productive Skill is SPEAKING and WRITING Productive skill is that someone produce something such as speaking and writing. For example, Andi speaks to his classmate every morning. It means that Andi produces the speaking. His speaking could be hear by other people.  Other example, Siti is writing an opinion in his bedroom. It means that Siti produces the writing. Her writing could be read by other people. The conclusion Productive skill is something you produce. Thank you

Teaching English Methodology

This time, I want to share about teaching English methodology. I believe that there are many methods in the internet. It's only to add the internet data. The name of the method is Elicit. The elicit methods means the teacher elicit the students information. For example.  The students are playing football in the field. Then, ask the students about the students activities such as: Where the students play? What do students play? What students play football? How many person play football? and so on. The important thing, the question is about the text or object. The object of elicit is the familiar things for the students and it's not harmful for students area, such as talking Fork in Indonesia or marital status in Europe. Now, let's try to elicit the example below: The are two students sitting in the bench. Give as many as possible questions about the situation. I give you the tips to make the questions easier. The tips are 5W and 1H

SOAL PKn Kelas 6 SD dengan Jawabannya

UJIAN FINAL TEST PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN PRIMARY VI Name                :                                                                        Day/Date          : Class                : Primary VI                                                     Time                 : 60 minutes Subject            : PKn A. Pilihan Berganda: Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban yang benar! 1.       Berapakah jumlah anggota ASEAN pada tahun 1976?             a. 3 negara                                            c. 5 negara             b. 4 negara                                            d. 6 negara 2.       Isi kedua Deklarasi Bangkok adalah ..... a.        Mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemajuan sosial, dan perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Asia Tenggara b.       Meningkatkan perdamaian dan stabilitas regional c.        Memelihara kerja sama yang erat di tengah-tengah organisasi regional dan international yang ada d.   

Between Having Wealth and Having Science

Having wealth is the most people ambition in this universe. People work everyday for getting money. They work in every seasons. No matter, they get tired every time as long as they got the wealth. When they got money, they will buy their requirements such as home, car, jewellery, clothes, shoes, mobile phone and others accessories.  The other hand, students study in school or in university for getting knowledge. They go to school in work days. They study since in kindergarten level until university level. They study only for increasing their knowledge. So, which one is more important between having health and having knowledge? Having wealth you can buy anything and you can go anywhere by your money. However, wealth makes you dizzy when the it has problem such as robbing and lost. Many people get suicide because of it. They can't accept the reality. Addition, the wealth is save by you. If you can't manage your wealth. You will get bankrupt. Then, having knowledge i

The Feeling of Purpose Marriage to Someone

Feeling can be change, sometimes feeling happy, feeling sad and others feeling. When you purpose marriage to someone, it has a feeling too. The sense of this feeling just can be feel by who have gotten married. I haven't married yet. I just purpose marriage to someone and I think the sense of feeling purpose marriage to someone I have feel it. Do you want to know the feeling? This is the theme of my sharing this moment. I do purpose marriage to a single girl. When I meet girls in university, market, school and other locations. I don't have a sense of marriage to them. I just communicate as natural conversations and I walk beside them naturally too. But, when I have purpose marriage to single girl, I can't walk naturally beside her and also I can't communicate naturally her. I think my walking is watched by her when I walk beside her. Then the communication too. It senses that there is a spy to my daily activity. The spy is not a bad habit but it brings me to do

Bad Deeds versus Good Deeds

I bought my lunch and dinner in my favourite restaurant. I bought fish, fried eggs, fried chicken and others menu. I liked buying food here. I did it for three months. One day, the restaurant had a new worker. The worker has been a women. She was little white, black eyes and she had toothless (one tooth) in front. When she smiled to costumers, her toothless has seen.  The new worker has bad deeds. She often to play with the customers. Playing means going to give the food but the costumers do not receive the foods.  One day, I saw the her playing a man costumer. She wanted to give the food but she didn't give it real. The man responded her playing by smile and smile to her. Actually the other workers had said to her that she should not do playing to the costumers. In fact, she didn't care about it. Finally the man, just stand and stand to wait her for giving the food.  I myself think that the new worker is not a good worker because she had bad deeds. The bad deeds i

Thank to Allah in anytime and anywhere

We have understood in surah Ar-rahman, Allah said which grace you have not lied. Allah said this verse 31 times. Now, let's me share my experiences Today I can breakfast by rice and sauce and I enjoy it. Yesterday I ate my breakfast by rice, fish, sauce and chili Two days ago, I ate my breakfast by rice and sauce I wash my laundry by my self I clean my room by my self I iron my clothes by my self and all home activities I enjoy those activities but enjoy is not enough. I need enjoy and thankful to Allah that he gives me time, chance, muscle and other graces. If I compare my grace to other people. I will complain to Allah because my grace and other grace is totally different. Example, my neighbor ate their breakfast by cooking fish and vegetables. But If I compare to another neighbor, they ate once a day which informed in television. But I believe that Allah gives my need not my wanted. Allah knows my need and he just give it In this topic, we have to realise th

Today is Today

This time I want to discuss about thanks fully for today. Have you ever heard about Yesterday is a history, Tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. Yesterday will never come back and we will never know that tomorrow is yours or not. But today you know it and feel it.  Today starts from your waking up. You start your day by open your eyes. Ear and other senses are active to recognise the situation. Today is your day. You have to do your best for this day. How to do the best for to day? The first, you should thanks to Allah that wake you up from your sleeping. The second, you believe that today is better than yesterday The third, you do your job by happiness and full of smiling The fourth, you eat on time or doing fasting The fifth, you share good habits to others The sixth, you talk full of mildness The seventh, you wear a good looking clothes The eight, you perform imprison The ninth, you drive carefully The tenth, you thanks to Allah that you complete

The Coherence Between Education and Life

Hello readers This time, I want to write about the coherence between education and life. The writing is about the planning, application and evaluation in education and also planning, application and evaluation in life. Education Education needs Planning, Application and Evaluation. The planning is called as Lesson Plan which consist of the opening, content and closing. The opening is to open the lesson such as greeting and asking students' situation.  The content is to apply the material to students which consists of explanation material, drill, and question and answer session. The closing is to close the lesson which consists of conclusion of the lesson then close the lesson by saying good bye. Application is the proses of teaching and learning. The teacher teaches the students base on the lesson plan.  Evaluation is to know the students improvement in the lesson or material. Evaluation conducts in the last meeting of the lesson. By evaluation, the teacher c