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Kata Bijak Mengajar

Kung Fu Panda adalah salah satu contoh mengajar dengan cara murid belajar. Panda sangat suka makan Bakso lalu Mr. Sifu mengajari kungfu dengan metode merebut bakso tersebut. "You are free to eat" kata Mr. Sifu. Namun tatkala Panda mau makan, sifu menghalaunya. Lalu Mr. Sifu berkata lagi "You're free to eat". Dengan metode itu secara tidak langsung Panda mengeluarkan segala jurusnya untuk mendapatkan Bakso tersebut. Akhirnya dia dapat bakso terkahir. Dan tanpa sadar Panda Berkata "I do Kung Fu". Selanjutnya adalah Rayhan dalan film India Tare Jamen Par. Coba kamu saksikan filmnya

Game atau Permainan Anak-anak

Hembus Aqua Alat-alat 1. Tali plastik sekitar 3 meter atau sesuka hati 2. Aqua gelas atau sejenis Pelaksanaan - Lobangi aqua bagian bawah - Masukkan tali plastik ke lobang aqua - Tiap-tiap ujung tali platik dipegang dan di angak sekitar sebahu - Anak menghembus aqua dari satu ujung ke ujung lainnya - Yang paling cepat sampai adalah murid yang juara dan tali diangkat setinggi-tingginya oleh orang yang megang tali plastik Video pelaksanaan permainan Hembus Aqua Sekian Terima kasih

Metode Mengajar Bahasa Inggris Untuk Anak Kecil (write_delete_write)

Metode: Write_Delete_Write Object: Anak Kecil Waktu: Bebas Tempat: Bebas Peralatan: Benda-benda yang akan kita ajarkan, papan tulis, spidol minimal 2 warna Pelaksanaan - Guru menuliskan materi di papan tulis - Murid menulis tulisan yang di papan tulis - Guru menjelaskan materi - Guru mengucapkan kosa kata satu per satu (pengucapan ini dilakukan sesering mungkin, hingga anak benar-benar mengetahui arti dan bahasa inggrisnya) - Guru menunjuk benda-benda yang ada dalam kosa kata (contoh: pen lalu guru menunjuk ke pen, dll) - Guru memberi kesempatan untuk anak maju kedepan dan memperagakan seperti yang di lakukan oleh guru (kesempatan ini diberikan kepada murid yang active) - Kemudian guru kembali mengucapkan kosa kata itu satu persatu - Lalu menghapus arti kosa kata namun tidak seluruhnya hanya sebagian saja misal beberapa huruf atau satu garis lurus - Guru dan murid kembali mengucapkan kosa kata dan artinya meski sudah terhapus sebagian - Kemudian menghapus yang ba

Thanksgiving of Graduation

Alhamdulillah I have graduated my master or graduate student in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. I registered in this university in 2012 and I have graduated in 2016. It is a long time to finish my study. In 19th February 2017, the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah does graduation ceremony to 103 and I was one of the graduates especially master level.  Several days before the graduation ceremony, I informed and invited my parents and other family to attend my graduation. In 17th February 2017 my parents and my brother came to Jakarta for attending my graduation. In Friday we went to Istiqlal mosque and Monas monument in central Jakarta. My parents and my brother went back to village in Monday, they spent six days in Jakarta. Then, I will back to my village in 22 March 2017 and I leave the Jakarta for long time. I will come here when I have business or duty. Thank you

Be Carefull with this number (0895378249186)

This morning, I have been called by the 0895378249186 when I do green walk. Suddenly my friends want to go to the toilet then I sit in the mosque waiting for him. I do the green walk with my two friends. However, one of my friends has been in the toilet so I and my second friends are waiting him in the terrace of the mosque Few minutes later, new phone number have been called me and I answer it. I did not talk much in the phone because of the new number so I do not know who is calling me. The sound in the phone is a man and he knew my name.  Strange: Hello, Is it ......  Me: Yes, I am, (he knew my name, I get better and ready to respect him. Strange: Where do you  life now? Me: In Ciputat Strange: What is your activities ? Me: (I keep silent)  Strange: When I will you back to village? Me: Next week Then, I asked him,  Me: Who are you and what is your name? Strange: You are so arrogant now, then you do not know my name as your friend Me: What is your name a

Attitude Changing Based on Your Old

This writing is about my friends habit. I have permit me to write his habit. To the point, he is a man and master student in one university in Jakarta. I spent my time with him in weekend and holiday especially when we want to cook some menu. Usually he likes to attend the seminar and conference which are free of charge because he will get free lunch or free dinner.  One time, we attend the international conference and the conference is two days. My friends very like to eat free of charge so do I (he he he heeee). In the international conference we ate beep soup, rendang padang and others the last is we are very full. However, we attend the international conference which is I-MELT conferences. The facility is same as the last international conference but my friends do not want to eat or lunch at the conference. Then I ask him, why do not you want to eat at the conference? he answer, I am shy eat there because we are just participant. Then, I ask again, but there is facility

You are a Mirror of Yourselft

This tittle is about you habit surrounding you. The habits means the activity always you do in your daily life.  I have ever seen a case of man. The man got sick or paper. Then, his neighbour did not care to him. So, why it can be happen? Let me analysis this case.  The man who is getting paper is worker man so his day wasting in his office. He goes in the early morning and return to home in evening. So, the communication between him and the neighbour so little. The effect is his neighbour not really care to him even he has getting cough, still no one care to him.  The lesson from this case is the communication is very important especially to neighbour or the people near to us. How to do the communication? you can read it in my other writing in this blog. Thank you Note Take the goodness and left the badness The goodness is belong to Allah and the badness is mine Thank you 

Tolerance in Indonesia

I am Indonesian. How tolerance in my country? The tolerance is respect to other people, religion and any kinds of distinctive. There are six religions in my country which contain Islam, Christen, Buddhis, Tiong Hoa, and Catholic. Every religion have ritual such as praying and others.  The Indonesia really respect the ritual religion. No one will disturb the religion agenda because the religion ritual is covered by law. Who ever has disturbed the religion activities will get punishment based on the law regulation.  The tolerance of respecting to other religion, ethnic, lokal language, and other have educated to students since in basic level or Sekolah Dasar. I still remember the lesson of civic education, the teacher said that the students must respect to other religion. The muslim people not allow to disturb the christen religion and the christen also no allow to disturb the Islam and so on. How is tolerance in your location? share in comment Thank you Note Ta

The Feces have Blood and the Medicine

Have you ever see your faeces have blood when you are in bathroom or toilet? That's so weary horrible. I ever saw it. Then, I told my friends about it and asked the medicine of the faeces have blood. On of friend, said that he also ever had the same illness. My friends said the medicine is boiled egg of duck chicken (duck is better) and cooked sticky rice ( Ketan , Indonesia language). He ate both boiled egg and the sticky rice routine, twice in for one day, in the morning and evening.  Based on his suggestion, I ate the boiled egg and the sticky rice. The result was the illness was recovered. Thus, here I suggest you to eat: 1. Boiled egg (duck or chicken) 2. Sticky rice (Ketan) Thank you I wish you get well soon Note Take the goodness and left the badness The goodness is belong to Allah and the badness is mine Thank you

Chosing Lady Becoming wife

The writer is a moslem, so this writing is a view of Islam. In islam there are four basic parts the man and woman should see from the candidate of partner. The four basics are: 1. The bauty (Jamaliha) 2. The wealth (Gony) 3. The family (Family) 4. Reiligion (Addin) The man and women see those factor to your partner. Do you like the beauty, wealth, family and religion. However, the religion become the priority one then the others factors and the reason is most of expert in islam do not allow the married in different religion.  According to speech of K.H Zainuddin, hardly to find the man and woman had those four factors even though there is man and woman who had those factors but it is  hard to find in this universe. So, how to select the best candidate of your partner? According to my discussion and my friends, the beauty is  desire, the wealth is materialists, family is conceit and religion is peaceful. I asked him, please chose two aspects from those factors,

PayTren Business of Indonesia

This time, the people pay their bill by their phone without going somewhere especially in capital city of the country and the other cities. Smartphone is the main tool and the internet connection. The people can use their smartphone to pay their bill event they are in home. The bill means are television paid, electric paid, voucher and others. Here I present to you the application to pay your bill, the application is PayTren . Based on the name of that application, the function is to pay and pay anything you want pay. However, you need to register before become a member of this application and needs registration fee. The fee is various, from the basic level until the high level. When you are joined the application, you can share it to other people.  Oh ya, this is my contact, you can contact me for joining this application. Whatsup (085261106437, sayuti).  Thank you

Respecting People Service

Last week, I went to Bekasi. I have family in Bekasi and they life in Jati Asih region. When I came to the house, they are very welcome. My family talked as much as possible to me, as his respecting for my coming (silaturrahmi), and I did it too.  In dinner, I refuse to ate a fish (fried-fish) and I said, I was boring with fried-fish and I just wanted to eat the other side dish. According to me, my answer was really mistake, or big wrong and I made my family bad mood to me. I had conscious when I said my answer and I thought "oh Allah, what I did just now, forgive me". Since that experiment, I want to respect other service even though the service is very small such as offering food and etc. The wise word said " If you respect other people, then the people will respect you" Notes Take the goodness and left the badness The goodness is belong to Allah and the badness is mine Thank you

The Lime and Blackheads

Do you know lime? you can see this image . We have known the lime has many functions such as for cleaning blackheads from face. Many people get problem about their performance in their daily activities and it is about face. Lime is the solution to clean the face. You rub the lime to your face every day. Here is the way to rub the lime: 1. Cut the lime in to several peaces 2. Rub the lime to your faces 3. Wait for several minutes 4. Then wash your face with water 5. Then compare your face before and after The lime also can rub to other parts of body such as in your neck, hand, nail and others. You can try this way to clean your face. Have an enjoy cleaning face and get the different. Notes Take the goodness and left the badness The goodness is belong to Allah and the badness is mine Thank you 

Tip Top Supermarket in Jakarta (Islamic Supermarket)

Tip Top is one of the supermarket store in Jakarta. This department store presents with different performance. The uniqueness is the employers are single and married. You will find many employers are have married and they are mothers. For example in cashier, most of employers are mothers even though there are several single women. Then, most of front line are women and the back line are man such as in warehouse, technique and others. Besides, the uniqueness also in service, the Tip Top serve the costumer with Islamic service. They employers use veil, trouser, long sleeve and talk friendly to costumer. Then, men employer also use trouser but not must use long sleeve. They can use shirt and long sleeve.  Furthermore, the most important is the price in this department store. The price for all goods are cheaper then other department store. Do you believe me? You can shop in Tip Top and make the difference the price between Tip Top and the last department store you visited. Here is m

Friends and Motivation

Not only me but also you, of course have friends. In primary school, you have classmates and other school levels such as Junior high school, Senior high school and University. Your friends is your motivation when you get down and they are you power when you get give up to do something. Your friends always support you to get success. Furthermore, there are two kinds of friends, which are best friend and just friends in restaurant. The best friend is the friend always motivate you and accompanying you in all your condition (health, sick, get down, happy and others). The friends in restaurant is the friend just come when you get happiness and you want to celebrate it but when you get down, this friends left you get down, they do not care with you.  I have two friends as my motivation in this moment. They are men and life in Jabodetabek. In 2012, my friends are employer. I call the first friend as A and the second is B. The A is student in university and the B is also but the B has g

Transjakarta and Direction

I went to Tangerang yesterday. I went by myself. It has been long time not come here. So, I ride public transportation which based on my experiment in a year ago. The first public transportation is Transjakarta . The destination of Transjakarta is Blok M Square. I went at 2:30 pm and I arrived in Blok M at 5:30 pm. Then, I pray Ashar in Musholla of Blok M. After that, I continue my journey by ride Mayasari public transportation too. The seats are three and two (2-3) and I sit in back. The journey is needed one hour to arrive to the destination. The destination is Islamic Village which near to Agnes Monica college which is Pelita Harapan. The passengers were full and the Street-performance (Pengamen Jalanan) participated the journey. I was sleepy at the journey and I slept for thirty minutes. I waked up and the location was in Islamic Village. At the first time, I thought the journey was so short. However, the co-driver was calling the passengers of Islamic Village to drop off and the

The Indonesian's Integrity

The world knows the Indonesia country is large country in Southeast Asia. The majority people is Moslem or Islam and others are Christian, Buddha, Catholic, Hindu, and Kong Hu Cu. Those religions do not bother each other.  The Indonesian's integrity is very good. I can say it because when I go to Jakarta from Ciputat (the suburb of Jakarta) the passengers give the cost to Co-driver (the person asking cost in the bus) just with approaching the passengers. I believe the co-driver do not remember all passengers who have pain the cost and not one. In my trip, I stop the bus in the second halte, then others passengers stop in the third, fourth, fifth and so on. I pay the cost when the co-driver approaching me and the the others too. Later on, the passenger who stop in the third halte also do the same thing, they pay the cost when the co-driver approaching them without asking the passenger to pay their cost. The co-driver will leave the passengers if no passengers pay the cost, wit

Rainy Season and Getting Paper

Lately, the weather is rainy season. The rains falls in all time such as in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. So that, many people rain on the way. Finally the people get paper and flue because they are raining on the way. This paper come to all people not only the worker but also the students and the others. I  also had been paper several day ago. Then, I went to the dokter and drink the medicine. Three days later, I got better and better until today. This paper also has happened to my mother in my village (Batang Baruhar Jae). She got rain when she went home from the river. My mother get chill. Then several hours later, she got paper and little flu. Next day, the doctor came for checking up my mother's chill and paper. Finally, the doctor gave several medicine. A few days later, my mother is healthy and fresh. She has not chill anymore. The doctor told my mother about the paper especially in rainy season, the doctor said " you have to shower if you get rain on the

Be Creative Student

Many students studi in the university level for recently especially in my country. The total of students are around four billion and women are more then men. The women are 2, 6 billion and men are 2,2 billion students. However, I will not discuss it for longer explanation. My focus in this writing is about the students creative in their free time. I agree that all students must study which based on their schedule and extra schedule and I am also agree that all students have free time and holiday. Thus, what the students do in their free time and holiday? Do they just sleep, hangout, or go for shopping. Here, I want to share you for not wasting your free time and holiday. The first you have to se your location, condition and where do you live. Second, Understand your location, the culture in your neighbour, and the weather. Third, try to do something that have meaning such as cooking, making ice cream, cooking porridge, or selling clothes, sport wear and others. Fourth, make plan

You and Your Neighbour

This is my monitoring to my friends. My friends is worker in National television. So, he must go to work every work-days except the holiday or red date. Every day, I see him hang-out in the terrace of the kitchen's door when he is getting holiday. He interacts with the neighbour as long as he is sitting in the terrace/bench and the communication is very good. The unique one is his approach to communicate well to the neighbour. Based on my mentoring, he always orders a cup of coffee when he wants to sit in the terrace and chatting with the neighbour. So, the important point in this monitoring is buying a cup of coffee when the man is sitting in the terrace or bench. Then, the neighbours do not think that he is an arrogance man or the man who does not want to join to the neighbour.   Then, I want to share here for you the key of neighbouring especially in My country (Indonesia) is buying their products which you can use it or eat it. Then, if you do not like the products, you c

No Idea for Writing

All writers have ever no idea what to write. The writer think again and again. Finally, the writer do know what to write. This is happen to me (writer). I always think about what to write to day. Sometimes, I write my history live and story telling. However, my history live and story telling are not always interesting to write about that. Then, suddenly, my thinking say that, way don't you write about what you read today? Then, I think that is a good idea. By the way, today, I just read five pages which consist of five book, one book one pages, so the idea is so little and not interesting to share in this blog. Willy nilly, the writer share what the writer read today.  Today, I read the Quran, the English book (about innovation in education), KH Ahmad Dahlan, Bumi Tuhan, and Tafsir Al Misbah. Based on those books, the writer conclude that my vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia and English improving and remembering. In the tafsir book, said about the rewords for people who did th

Knowing your Friends Habit

Having friend is a vital in our life. Without friend, our life will be lonely and sad because you don't have friend for sharing your ideas, chatting, telling story and others. Then how to select the person to be our friend? You add your friend by sport club, school, university and neigh-board. Before you select the person to be your friend, you have yo know his habit, if not, it will danger for you. Then how to know his habit? The answer is, you should see his friends, family especially close friend, the friend that she/he is always together. For example, you are not smoker, then you find the person who do not smoke, not the smoker one because it will ask you to have smoke to. The other hand, if you believe that you will not smoke even though you join them, that's fine. If you can do that, you are inspiration for other people especially in you smoker club. This method also useful for searching soulmate, if you want to find the good girl, you have to see her friend, are he

Be Your Self

This morning, I watch Indian movie and the title is Sultan. The duration is around two hours consist of singing an India song. The actor is Salman Khan. There are several advice or wise words in this movie.  1. The good dream should do as early as possible 2. The biggest enemy is your self, not others 3. Love your self then love others 4. Always there is a woman behind the success of the men and also their failure Number one means that the people should do the best hope and left the bad hope. There are many hopes of people, but not all their dreams come true and the reason is they do not do their dreams as early as possible. In this movie, the Sultan loves a girl and he wants to marry the girl. This is a good hope, so  Sultan directly meet the girl and say what is in his mind. Then, number two is about lazy. There are many people have bad habit such always lazy to do something. However, if we ask his dream, the person will tell you the best dream ever in this universe, bu

The Man's Power

Do you ever ask your self, what is your power? If not, what makes you proud of you? Just nothing, Oh God. If you can explain what makes you proud of you, how about the other. The other people will not care for you even though there are several people care for you such as family members and you soulmate. Here, I want to share the Man's power especially in Hawa's eyes. Usually, the people will get information about someone if they want to get friend or partner with the person. The people search in internet, asking friends and other sources. The point of getting information is to answer who is that person. If you have a good background the other people will accept your friendship but id you have a bad life background and you are still in that situation, the other will think twice to be your friend and it is the man's power for women. Mostly, the women find the best live background of man to be their friend and partner. Then, I have ever read in Instagram, the man'

Situ Gintung Island in Banten, Indonesia

Situ Gintung Island is in Banten, Indonesia. You can visit in easily from Jakarta as capital of Indonesia. There are several facilities of this island such as jogging track, food cord, camping area and public graves. Mostly, the people do jogging and running here and the time is in morning and afternoon.  Based on my experiment, the track is three kilometres or more. I spent one hour for jogging and two hour for walking.  The most people visit this island in holiday such as Saturday and Sunday. Besides for jogging and running, the people also come here just for resting time or having fun. If you want to try for jogging here, I suggest in working days such as Monday, and etc. The other hand, the visitors also ride bicycle in this track. So, you can also ride your bicycle. Warning, the people are not allow to swim here, because there has an accident before. So, I suggest you don't swim in this island. Then, always throw the bin in place that has been provided by the management

Who is an Angel?

Dear, ladies, girls or women in any where. I want to tell you the criteria of angel based on my reading book. Several days ago, I read Tafsir Misbah the author is Ustd. M. Quraish Shihab. In this book explains that angel is the women (based on heaven meaning) only focus on his husband, no other men. The angel can't find the handsome man outside there. The angel just sees, admires, and loves her husband.  Based on this writing, the nick name of angel is only for the woman who has married. The single woman can not say as the angel because she does not has husband. Even though there are many dates of having love, they call their soulmate as angle and Agree!!! Is it also applies for men. The answer is yes, very big yes. The man who does not marry yet, it can not be called as angle or Bidadara. From this moment, the single women and men should be patient to call as angel. If you want to be an angel and Bidadara, you have to marry an single man or woman.  Thanks for reading

Nasi Goreng (fried rice)

Do you like Nasi Goreng? I like it so much. There are so many kinds of nasi goreng in my county. For example, Nasi Goreng Kacang, Nasi Goreng Brebes, Nasi Goreng Mandaling, Nasi Goreng Klenger, Nasi Goreng Super Pedas, Just Nasi Goreng and others name. Whatever the name of Nasi Goreng the important point is the taste, nice or not nice. The taste will depend on your tongue and your culture.  Here are the ingredients of Nasi Goreng as usual.  1. Rice 2. Kecap / soy sauce 3. Garlic 4. Union 5. Tomato 6. Chilli and other that you wan to added Cooking the Nasi Goreng is easy. You just fry the rice and add the above flavor. Then, you can enjoy your cooking. If the taste is not nice, you can try it more than once time. As long as you want to eat your friend rice. If you think that your fired rice has good taste, you can share it to your family such as  brother, sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and other family members.  If you want to know how the chef o

I Love My Country

How Do I love my country? to answer this question is simple. I just buy Indonesia products such as Piero, League, Carvil, New Era and others. That's my way to support the economy of my country. So, I always to try to buy my country products as long as my needs are produced in my country. For example instant noodle, I will buy Indofood product rather than other country product and so on. Besides, I love my country by throwing the been in the rubbish bin. I feel happy when my environment is no rubbish or clean.  Then, ho do I love my body? It is also simple. You love your body by taking bath every day, wearing clothes, wearing pants, and others. So, if you think that your body is useless, it means that you do not live you body. If you love you body, you will not think it to yourself. Let's love our body by always take care to all part of our body since now. Agree!!!!  Share you way to love your country and body in the comment space. Thank you Notes. Take the goodnes


The Sailor and Little Shark

This is a tale of a sailor. The sailor is a man. His job is catching fish every day. He goes to sea in early morning and goes back in evening. He brings his tools for catching the fish. Usually he just can bring die fist to broker and market. So, he prise oh his fish is not expensive. Many customer needs the fish still alive but the man just says that he does not bring the fish still alive. One day, he thinks about how to bring the fish still alive to the customer. He tries to bring a drum and fills the water, then he puts the fish inside. When he comes back to mainland, he sees the fish still alive. However, in the middle of journey, some of fish get die. Then, he pushes his boat as strong as he can does. When he arrives in mainland, all fish are die and he feels tired and disappointed by the fish.  The next day, he sees the shark on the sea and all fish run off or go away from his position and he also feels worry to the shark. When the shark left him, he thinks, I should ta

Who Am I

The question of  "who am I" is useful for every one in this universe. Every body should ask him/her. The objective of this question is to know what should you do, eat, hear, and other activities. For example a student ask him/her self, then his/her activities are about education such as reading, presentation, discussion, making paper and others. The students should just do the education activities and should not do the farmer job. Then, the students dinner, lunch, and breakfast also should be different from farmer. The students need many protein and vitamin, not for fat. Besides, the students should able to manage his/her money as long as he/her still as students. If the students can understand who is him/her, he/she will get his/her best in that position. So, let's ask our self "who are you and what activities you should do" Here is my story, I am students in university. My found for my education is from my parents. So, I have to buy the priority goods to

Menu in Majapahit Train

I went to Kediri last week. I used Majapahit train. In my trip to Kediri, I felt hungry. Suddenly, the crew of the train offered the passenger menu of food and drink. I ordered a cup of hot tea and chicken with rice. The price of menu was not to expensive for me because the price was high up one level from the standard price. Here was the picture of menu in Majapahit Train of Indonesia